It’s part of our DNA to deliver wellness that goes far beyond your
gorgeous and healthy-looking skin.
1% for the planet- drjacksons
We are now proud members of 1% for the Planet, the non-profit organisation connecting businesses, individuals, and communities, working together to ensure that our planet and future generations thrive. The 1% for the Planet network turns local action into global impact.

From planting trees, banning plastic, and protecting wildlife, to fighting for climate policy and for frontline communities disproportionately impacted by climate change, the organisation’s vetted non-profit partners address the most pressing issues of our time. Discover more
In our case, without the hard work of rural communities in Zimbabwe and farmers from around the world, sustainably harvesting the land, we wouldn’t be here.

Behind every ethically sourced natural ingredient we use in our nasties-free formulations, there is a team of generous people taking care of the land and ensuring that these plants and trees will never become endangered.

When you buy one of our products
which contain baobab or kigelia, you are not just supporting Dr Jackson’s as an independent brand in the natural skincare and wellness space, but also, just as importantly, you are bringing a fair income to women in Africa and funding the education of future generations. When researchers in some African countries looked at how this income was spent, they found that children’s education was one of the biggest expenditure categories. That’s really investing for the future!  
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From day one, we have committed to being a socially responsible brand, supporting many good causes along the way. By joining 1% for the Planet, we continue our mission of doing good and protecting this planet we all call home.

Join us in giving back 1% for the Planet.
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